Citizens Advice offer free advice face-to-face and by phone. They help with debt, benefits, employment, discrimination and much more. See our Welfare Benefits section for offices in south east London.
Benefits and Work produce extensive online guides to claiming illness/disability-related benefits. They also offer a newsletter and forum.
Disability Rights UK aim to promote disabled people's control, independence and equality, and to break the link between disability and poverty. They produce an annual guide to benefits: the Disability Rights Handbook, and also factsheets on benefits.
Child Poverty Action Group work to end poverty among children, young people and their families. They produce an annual guide to benefits: the Welfare Benefits and Tax Credit Handbook. They provide information about local welfare assistance schemes for people in urgent need following an emergency.
Action for ME offer a welfare rights line and leaflets and guides to help with claims.
The ME Association produce guides to claiming benefits.
entitledto and turn2us provide benefit calculators to help you work out what you may be entitled to.
Facebook hosts a closed group provides advice and documents on a wide range of benefit-related issues for people with ME/CFS.
Rightsnet is a site for welfare rights advisers. They have a discussion forum on a wide range of benefits. Their site carries links to key websites that hold welfare benefit and tax credit related legislation, official guidance, caselaw and other reference materials.