Information and Help

Benefits and Work produce extensive online guides to claiming illness/disability benefits. They also offer a newsletter and forum which are free to non-members.

Action for ME offer a welfare rights advice line for their members.

The ME Association offer guides to PIP and ESA.

Citizens Advice provide information and advice online, by phone and in a range of locations.

Benefits calculators help you work out what you're entitled to:

Disability Rights Uk provide a wide variety of information about benefits online.

Civil Legal Advice (0345 345 4 345) offers legal advice to people on benefits or a low income.

Your local welfare assessment scheme, run by your local council, can help if you are in urgent need following an emergency or unforeseen event. These schemes vary. You may be able to get vouchers to pay for food or clothing or even larger items. You are unlikely to get cash.

You may be eligible for a budgeting loan or advance if you claim certain benefits.

If your benefits have been sanctioned and you have no money to live on, your first port of call is your local jobcentre allows you to search for services and help in your local area.